Funny Facebook prank tricks to have fun with your friends


In this Post I will tell you how to make fun with your Facebook friends. Well this prank is very old and common. Once upon a time I was a victim of this prank. So now I have decided to share it with you.

Prank 1:
The prank is very simple. Just post a status using this link , -

This link looks like a link of original Facebook profile. But actually this link is not valid. The code is given randomly and whenever some one clicks the link,will be redirected to their own profile.

Now you can make a prank by posting status like " Everybody Please report against this stupid profile -"

Obviously your friends are going to check who's profile is that. They will be very shock to see their own profile. Most Probably they will get upset and may ask you why you are doing this.? why? :P

Prank 2:
The second pranks is all about insulting. So don't make this prank with someone who is very sensitive to jokes. is a site where you can make links to insult people. Just type the name of the person(.) then the URL address of the site. For example , you want to make fun of your friend named "kallis". Then the URL will be

step1: This prank is also very simple like the previous one. At first choose a friend on whom you are going to apply this prank.

Step2: Make the URL and post it to your friends Facebook wall. Or you can just share it in your wall.

Important: Use this pranks to have fun with your friends. Do not insult them harshly. Have fun and bring peace :)


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