Teen Life
Teenwire - http://www.teenwire.com/ From Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Site with various relationship and sexuality information. Sex, Etc. - http://www.sexetc.org/ Advice for teens about sex, love and relationships, teen pregnancy, birth control, condoms, smoking, alcohol, and drugs. Published by Answer at Rutgers University. I Wanna Know - http://www.iwannaknow.org/ Sexual health and STD prevention information for teens, including chat, education, games, and other resources. Avert: Young People's Section - http://www.avert.org/yngindx.htm Comprehensive information about puberty, safe sex, STDs, and AIDS, as well as issues related to homosexuality in teens of both sexes. Scarleteen - http://www.scarleteen.com/ Advice, help and information about teen sexuality. Special sections for teen gals and guys. Teen Sex and Sexuality - http://parentingteens.about.com/od/teensexuality/ Teens and parents learn to talk about sex and their sexuality. Pro...