Male Enhancement' Pills Could Kill You

Who hasn't contemplated sending away for those male enhancement pills offered by friendly, reliable spammers? Well, if you pick a less-than-reputable company, you might end up six feet under because of your quest to get a rise.

Authorities in Singapore are very concerned after a middle-aged man died after consuming an illegal sexual-enhancement pill called Power 1 Walnut that contains high amounts of controlled drugs. Six other men were hospitalized after popping the pill -- the country now has 23 confirmed cases of sickness from it and many more suspected.
The pill contains glibenclamide, which is used to treat diabetes as well as sildenafil. So when you're traveling overseas to get that kidney donation from a Chinese inmate (and maybe a little plastic surgery in a sketchy clinic/tattoo parlor in Bangkok to take care of those unsightly man-boobs), watch out for the sex drugs. Those are really dangerous.


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