Ancient History Games

Gladiator: Dressed to Kill This game has the player choose the correct armor for three different types of Roman gladiators within a time limit. Each gladiator then fights and wins or loses based on what the player's choices were.

Death in Rome This game presents the user with a scene where a Roman dies and the user then has to figure out how the Roman died. The player uses evidence from the scene and information both from witnesses and modern experts.

Housesteads Fort This is a 3D tour of a reconstruction of a Roman fort along Hadrian's Wall in Ancient Britain.

Pyramid ChallengeThis game presents the user with a series of challenges related to building a pyramid for the Egyptian Pharaoh. The construction of the pyramid succeeds or fails based on the player's decisions.

Mt. Vesuvius and Pompeii in 79 AD This is a scavenger hunt that presents the user with several web sites and asks them to research the answers to various questions.

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World This quiz has the user match the wonders of the ancient world with descriptions in a variety of formats.

Medieval History Games

Middle Ages This game quizzes the user on events in the Middle Ages.

Asian Middle Ages People, Places, and Things This game quizzes the user on Asia during the Middle Ages.

Asian Middle Ages Chronology This game prompts the player to reorder several events that took place in Asia during the Middle Ages.

Destroy the Castle Build your own virtual trebuchet and fire giant sandstone balls at a castle wall. You decide on the size of your projectiles, where to place your trebuchet, and other factors critical to success.

Early Modern History Games

Places of the American Revolution This game quizzes the user on important locations in the American Revolution in the form of a matching game, flashcards, concentration, or a word search.

The Flames of the Rebellion This downloaded feature is a strategy game that allows two players to play either as the British or the Colonials and play out the Revolutionary War for control of the thirteen colonies.

The British are Coming! This timed quiz game quizzes the user with questions about the American Revolution. The goal is for Paul Revere to beat the British, but he only moves when the player gets a question correct.

Fact Match This is a concentration type game about the American Revolution.

The Battle of Waterloo Game This game allows the user to replay the Battle of Waterloo and make the decisions that both generals faced.

Bill of Rights This game quizzes the user on the Bill of Rights in a variety of formats

Modern U.S. History Games

World War I Study Activity This game quizzes the user on World War I in a variety of ways.

1960-1980 Challenge This game quizzes the user on events in the U.S. between 1960 and 1980.

Electoral College by States This game quizzes the user on how many electoral votes states have in a variety of ways.

U.S. Presidents This game asks the user 10 questions about the presidents of the U.S.

America Becomes a World Power This game quizzes the user on how America became a world power.

Characteristics of Geographic Regions This game quizzes the user on geographic regions in the U.S. in a variety of formats.

Modern World History Games

Between the Wars Vocabulary This feature presents the user with flashcards about World Wars I and II. The questions it offers are very good, though it does not allow the user to enter an answer.

Cyber School Bus This is a collection of games by the UN. There are several different types of games and quizzes about world issues and countries.

Animated Maps

The Western Front, 1914-1918 Animation This animated map shows the Western Front of World War I.

Animated Map: Battle of Somme This is an animated map showing the Battle of Somme in WWI.

Animated Map: The Fall of France (Dunkirk) This animated map shows the fall of France during World War II.

Animated Map: The Burma Campaign This animated map shows the campaign in Burma during World War II.


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