Chief Minister Y.S.Rajasekhara Reddy praying at the Maha Varuna Yagam in Hyderabad on Wednesday and view of priests performing yagam. TTD Chairman B.Karunakara Reddy, TTD EO K.V.Ramanachary were also seen.

Hyderabad 23 July (P.R.O) Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams has started three day ASHTHOTRA SATHA KUNDATMAKA MAHA VARUNA YAGAM 'to please the rain god to open up the skies'. This yagam involves 150 priests from TTD performing the traditional ritual simultaneously in 108 homagundams.

Chief Minister Y.S.Rajasekhara Reddy along with Ministers J.Rathnakar Rao, K.Jana Reddy and M.Mukesh Goud visited the venue to mark the formal launch of the event. The yagam formally commenced after the TTD priests offered prayers to Lord Venkateswara and gave blessings to the Chief Minister and his cabinet colleagues. TTD Chairman B.Karunakara Reddy, Executive Officer K.V.Ramanachary explained them about the significance of the event to the Chief Minister.

The Chief Minister hoped that sufficient rain would be received in the coming days. He appreciated the TTD for its various programmes like Kalyanamasthu and assured the Government's full support to the TTD.


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