Search Engine Funds Test Cure

Cleveland, Ohio - (Website Hosting Directory) - September 26, 2008 - is funding the only clinical trial to cure type 1 diabetes, as it attempts to answer difficult questions.

The trial, conducted by Dr. Denise Faustman's Lab at the Massachusetts General Hospital, is a follow-up to the landmark study that permanently cured diabetic mice for the first time. They are testing their technique in humans with type 1 diabetes. (Watch Dr. Faustman explain how the diabetes cure works.)

Dr. Faustman remarked, ''My colleagues and I appreciate the support will provide for the clinical trial.'' is the result of a partnership between Bernard Farrell, and The project started in mid-2007, when Bernard Farrell launched the Diabetes Search Engine. Farrell is software developer and a leading voice in the diabetes community through his Diabetes Technology Blog.

Mr. Farrell was moved to support Dr. Faustman's research after learning that it was completely self-funded. Because the potential cure uses approved, patent-free drugs, the lab cannot get funding from pharmaceutical companies. Although phase 1 of the clinical trial is fully funded, Dr. Faustman will need $25 million to complete phase 2.
With collaboration from other diabetics, Mr. Farrell has added more than 1,200 sites about diabetes to the Search Engine, making it one of the most comprehensive resources about diabetes.

Mr. Farrell noted, ''If you have any questions about diabetes you'll get the answers through the Diabetes Search Engine.''
David Edelman, Founder of remarked, ''When someone clicks on a sponsored ad that appears alongside the results of a search on, a contribution is made to Dr. Faustman's research. We have entered a new era of grassroots activism where patients can directly fund research to improve their own lives. With each search, we are purchasing a small stake in an eventual cure for diabetes.''
Besides helping fund Dr. Faustman's research, the Diabetes Search Engine empowers patients with access to resources that they would typically not have access to.

Manny Hernandez, Founder of added, ''When you search for diabetes information on the web, you can get overwhelmed quite easily. Through this project, we hope to make the best resources easier to find for the patient looking for answers.''
The Diabetes Web Search can be found on Bernard's Diabetes Technology Blog, on the home page of and and in many other diabetes blogs and web sites. You can add the Diabetes Web Search box to your site, by visiting
Bernard Farrell was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 1972. He controls his diabetes with an insulin pump and continuous glucose monitor. Bernard is a software architect who specializes in user experience. This helps him when suggesting changes to diabetes devices that make them easier to use. He is a long-time diabetes advocate and part-time consultant for companies developing diabetes technology. was founded in December 2005 by David and Elizabeth Edelman, shortly after she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Their mission is to provide free education and friendly support to everyone touched by diabetes. was founded in March 2007 by Manny Hernandez, a Social Entrepreneur and Community Strategist who was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in late 2002. is operated by the Diabetes Hands Foundation, a nonprofit organization formed to provide an open space for people touched by diabetes to connect with others in pursuit of a healthy life through support, information and creative expression.


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